Coast to Coast Premier Membership Park Benefits
Are you looking for more variety of Membership Resorts – more backup – and additional parks to use, all throughout the US — and be able to camp for No Nightly Fees and $10 per night?
Coast to Coast PREMIER
- gives you access to Private membership resorts nationwide, owned by the other various companies
- $NO NIGHTLY fees per night
- can stay two-14 night stays, per park/per year, during peak season, and on and off 14 to 21 night stays during a resorts off peak season.
- also includes Good Sam/Good Neighbor parks for discounted rates — typically 10% to 50% off the public rates and many a flat $15 a night rate versus the current public rate (will be different at various parks, but always a discounted rate)
- one week vouchers for friends and family each year – 2 during a resorts peak season – 6 non peak season Where any friend or family member could either camp at any of the membership parks, for the $10 a night member rate (with or without you) – or can also use the rental cabins at any membership park as well, if they do not own an RV
- 50% off cabin rentals for member or guest when booked for 7 nights or more at any membership resort
- $209.00 annual dues
- Coast Premier also includes the full Condo Travel Club program – offering discounts on travel and access to condos worldwide for low weekly rates.
When you pull up the website – click on Find a resort – it will load a map of the US – any state you click on will pull up a list of all the resorts in that state that are included in coast to coast. On the right hand side of each resort name is says TYPE, all the resorts that say Classic/Deluxe or Premier – are all the membership resorts that are $0 per night. All the resorts that say GNP – are always discounted versus what the public pay.
Under the membership purchase fee, your first years dues to the home park, coast to coast Premier and RPI — will be paid and included for the first year!
The contract with the Home park is lifetime, can be willed, sold or transferred – and also has a right to cancel at anytime. Meaning if down the road over the years, you are done and no longer travel, you can request your membership be cancelled and you will no longer be billed any annual dues and can cancel without any penalties at anytime
Coast to Coast DELUXE
- gives you access to Private membership resorts nationwide, owned by the other various companies
- $10.00 per night
- can stay two-14 day stays, per park/per year, during peak season, and on and off 14 day stays during a resorts off season.
- also includes Good Sam/Good Neighbor parks for discounted rates — typically 10% to 50% off the public rates and many a flat $15 a night rate versus the current public rate (will be different at various parks, but always a discounted rate)
- one week vouchers for friends and family each year – 2 during a resorts peak season – 6 non peak seasonWhere any friend or family member could either camp at any of the membership parks, for the $10 a night member rate (with or without you) – or can also use the rental cabins at any membership park as well, if they do not own an RV
- 50% off cabin rentals for member or guest when booked for 7 nights or more at any membership resort
- $159.00 annual dues
- Coast Deluxe also includes the full Condo Travel Club program – offering discounts on travel and access to condos worldwide for low weekly rates.
When you pull up the website – click on Find a resort – it will load a map of the US – any state you click on will pull up a list of all the resorts in that state that are included in coast to coast. On the right hand side of each resort name is says TYPE, all the resorts that say Classic/Deluxe or Premier – are all the membership resorts that are $10 per night. All the resorts that say GNP – are always discounted versus what the public pay.
which also gives you access to membership resorts nationwide for $10.00 and $15.00 per night.
- gives you two-14 day stays per resort per year during peak season and on and off 14 day stays during off can view the map of resorts at: Right-hand corner click on LEARN MORE and it will load a page with all the membership resorts included
- $125.00 annual dues
- 4 – one week vouchers for friends and family each yearWhere any friend or family member could either camp at any of the membership parks, for the $10 & $15 a night member rate (with or without you) – and can also use the rental cabins at any membership park as well, if they do not own an RV
- 50% off cabin rentals for member or guest when booked for 7 nights or more at any membership resort
Under the membership purchase fee, your first years dues to the home park, coast to coast and RPI — will be paid and included for the first year!
The contract with the Home park is lifetime, can be willed, sold or transferred -and also has a right to cancel clause at anytime. Meaning if down the road over the years, you are done and no longer travel, you can request your membership be cancelled and you will no longer be billed any annual dues and can cancel without any penalties at anytime