Changes in Camping: What Happened in 2020 and What to Expect in 2021
COVID-19 has made a large impact on the travel industry, even forcing changes in camping and other outdoor tourism. But despite how seeking an escape in the great outdoors has changed in some ways, it still offers a tranquil getaway in a safe environment to close out this year and heading into 2021.
Camping has proven to be a safe and secure way to still vacation during the pandemic, as it allows for many outdoor activities away from crowds. RVing even allows for many of the features of a hotel or cabin, without running the risk of coming into contact with the virus! Physical and mental health are both of the utmost importance during the pandemic, and camping and RVing offer both!
As 2020 comes to a close, Campground Membership Outlet explores how the camping and RV industries changes this year, and what campers can expect heading into 2021:
Changes in Camping
According to RV Industry Association, one fourth of all North American campers stated that their first camping trip took place this year after COVID-19 restrictions were lifted. Of those who were itching for a safe getaway and decided to give camping a try, 42% will continue to venture out to go camping. As we know, nature does not disappoint!
In fact, this year’s North American Camping Report stated that camping numbers did go up and camping is a very safe form of leisure travel. It was even reported that due to the pandemic, many people who camped in the past decided to get back into it! They dug out their hiking boots and tents and headed out for a good time, safe from the dangers of COVID-19.
However, some attractions at campsites shut down and still remain closed today, such as club houses, common areas, swimming pools, and playgrounds. Even so, there still remain many hiking, kayaking, canoeing, and other activities to stay busy and entertained! Even with all the changes in camping, the activity still provides many options for an enjoyable time.
Changes in RVing
RVing also saw some changes in 2020! Again, according to RV Industry Association, more than half of usual campers reported that they are now more inclined to take the leap and purchase an RV for camping pleasure. Most interestingly, of those campers, 62% are Generation Xers and feel ready to make an RV purchase.
Many people also reported that they would be interested in even renting RVs. When polled, many of those individuals who showed interest in purchasing an RV reported that their main concern and reason for looking into it would be due to the sanitary conditions and cleanliness at hotels in the areas where they want to vacation or camp.
The idea of heading out at any time to enjoy the beauty of the world in a safe manner is extremely enticing and exciting. Amid COVID-19, we still have the drive to get out and enjoy ourselves. Investing in an RV provides the opportunity for freedom to travel, even when hotels and airlines are closed down, unsafe, or have restrictions in place. It surely is a great purchase!
How Camping Will Change in 2021
In 2021, we are heading into a year that will still maintain virtual work and schooling, making camping and RVing more possible than ever. The RV Industry Association estimates that up to 18% of the new campers gained throughout 2020 will continue to camp in the new year. It surely will depend on restrictions and lockdowns—as well as financial implications and work status—as to whether or not many will have the ability to get out and camp in the new year.
For now, camping is on the rise. Not many attractions and getaways allow for a safe, healthy, and pleasurable experience right now that can easily be confined to you and your close family, while practicing social distancing and proper hygiene.
Reconnecting and refreshing is surely made possible with camping and RVing. It should be mentioned that, with the increasing popularity, there is no need to worry about overcrowding. The United States has 422 National Parks and even more campsites for your enjoyment. Those who own an RV have endless options to escape the crowds and plan a fun and safe adventure for the whole family!